
Information disclaimer

Anything that is posted on The Active Evaluator blog is for informational purposes only. You should not interpret this information as medical, legal, tax or financial advice. If you would like advice tailored to your personal situation, please seek an accredited professional. Any opinions I post on my blog are solely my own and do not relate to those of my employer or any organisations or clients I work for or with. 

I do my best to ensure that the information is correct, up-to-date and authentic to the best of my knowledge. However, I cannot guarantee the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability of any information I post on my blog. I am also not liable for any false, inaccurate, inappropriate or incomplete information I post on my blog. Hence, any reliance you place on what I post in my blog is entirely at your own risk.

I am not responsible for any subsequent actions you take by reading my blog as well as any expenses, costs, losses, damages and injuries you or another person may incur in the process. I also disclaim any damages that arise from technical issues or unavailability of my blog. In addition, any content and services from links to third-party websites are beyond my control. I do not take any responsibility of the accuracy or completeness of the information in third-party websites or any damages that you may incur by visiting such websites.

Privacy policy

This blog collects your name, email address and web address to enable you to post comments on my blog as well as subscribe to my blog. This information is stored in WordPress.org as well as Jetpack to manage subscriptions and sent to Akismet to identify and remove spam comments. If you require access to your personal information stored in my blog, please contact me at james.ong363@gmail.com. I can disclose what personal information is held in my blog and liaise with you whether you want this information kept or deleted.